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479 lines
// APPLCTN.DEF Application object(s) data selectors
// Copyright (c) 1993 Borland International, Inc.
// This include file contains all the selectors required for applications.
// NOTE:
// Selectors listed in the following table which are shown to have
// "Value: Number" will sometimes return the null string instead
// of the numeric zero. For logical compares, null is the same
// as zero, however when emitting the value to the output file
// the null string must be converted to a numeric zero explicitly.
// A user defined function is used in the FORM.COD template program
// called NUL2ZERO() for converting null strings to explicit numeric
// zeros.
// ELEMENT selectors (FOREACH loop elements)
ELEMENT 1000, // All elements types by row & column
BOX_ELEMENT 1086, // Box element
FLD_ELEMENT 1130, // Field element
TEXT_ELEMENT 1085, // Text element
TREE 0330, // Tree Element
// Selectors common to all elements
ELEMENT_TYPE 001, // Element types found in apps are:
ROW_POSITN 092, // Row number of Element
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
COL_POSITN 093, // Column number of Element
// Menu Path: None - Value: Number
SYS_FLEN 053, // Element length in layout
SYS_INAME 068, // reserved
SYS_FMT 071, // reserved
SYS_PAGE 090, // reserved
SYS_ATRB 094, // reserved
// Text attribute selectors (FOREACH Text_element x .... NEXT)
TEXT_ITEM 0095, // Static text data
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
// Frame level selectors - can be accessed at any time
APPL_AUTHR 0061, // Author (for program comments)
// Menu Path: AE - Value: String
APPL_CAT 0051, // Application catalog
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
APPL_CPYRT 0062, // Copyright notice for internal program
// Menu Path: AE - Value: String
APPL_DELIM 0225, // Delimiter for delimited types
// Menu Path: AME - Value: String
APPL_TYPE 0049, // Type of main menu 0: bar, 1: popup, 2: batch
APPL_MENU 0050, // Application main menu without extension
// Menu Path: AA - Value: String
APPL_NDX 0057, // Index file to use with application
// Menu Path: AMV - Value: String
APPL_ORDER 0177, // Index order for dbf or view at Application level
// Menu Path: AMV - Value: String
APPL_VERSN 0063, // Dbase version for internal program doc
// Menu Path: AE - Value: String
APPL_VIEW 0056, // Database or view for the application
// Menu Path: AMV - Value: String
CLR_MESSAGES 0151, // Color of dBASE messages
// Menu Path: AMD,VM,HM,FM,SM,PM - Value: String
CLR_HGHLIGHT 0152, // Color of highlighted information
// Menu Path: AMD,VM,HM,FM,SM,PM - Value: String
CLR_TEXT 0067, // Unselected text color (says)
// Menu Path: AMD,VM,HM,FM,SM,PM - Value: String
CLR_HEADING 0069, // Color of headings (e.g. list heading)
// Menu Path: AMD,VM,HM,FM,SM,PM - Value: String
CLR_BOX 0065, // Color of box border
// Menu Path: AMD,VM,HM,FM,SM,PM - Value: String
CLR_INFO 0048, // Color of Information
// Menu Path: AMD,VM,HM,FM,SM,PM - Value: String
CLR_FIELDS 0066, // Selected text color (gets)
// Menu Path: AMD,VM,HM,FM,SM,PM - Value: String
MENU_AFTER 0232, // Menu after code
// Menu Path: MEA,LEA,BEA - Value: String
MENU_BEFORE 0231, // Menu before code
// Menu Path: MEB,LEB,BEB - Value: String
MENU_DESC 0041, // Menu description
// Menu Path: MN,LN,BN - Value: String
MENU_FILE 0143, // Full menu name from selected object
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
MENU_MAIN 0055, // Main menu for the application
// Menu Path: AA - Value: String
MENU_NAME 0040, // Object name
// Menu Path: MN,LN,BN - Value: String
MENU_NDX 0043, // Index file to use with menu
// Menu Path: MO,LO,BO - Value: String
MENU_ORDER 0088, // Index order for dbf or view at menu level
// Menu Path: MO,LO,BO - Value: String
MENU_OVRIDE 0070, // Method of using Menu database information
// Menu Path: MO,LO,BO - Value: 0=Appl. 1=Menu 2=What currently in use
MENU_HELP 0230, // Menu help
// Menu Path: MW,LW - Value: String
MENU_PRMPT 0058, // Message prompt for menu level
// Menu Path: MN,LN - Value: String
FRAME_CLASS 181, // Object type (called MENU_TYPE in application.def)
// Menu Path: None - Value:11=form, 12=label, 13=report
MENU_TYPE 0181, // Object type
// Menu Path: AA - Value: 1=application 2=popup 3=file
// 4=fields 5=values 6=N/A 7=bar 8=N/A 9=Batch
MENU_VIEW 0042, // Database or view for the menu
// Menu Path: MO,LO,BO - Value: String
MNU_BORDER 0064, // Frame border style
// Menu Path: MM,LM,AMD - Value: 0=Panel 1=Single
// 2=Double 3=None
PICK_FIELD 0045, // Field specification for field list
// Menu Path: LI - Value: String
PICK_FILE 0044, // File specification for files list
// Menu Path: LI - Value: String
PICK_VALUE 0046, // Value specification for value list
// Menu Path: LI - Value: String
PLDWN_MENU 0052, // Pull down associated menus?
// Menu Path: MA (BAR Only) - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
QUICK_ATHR 0061, // Quick appliation author
// Menu Path: AG - Value: String
QUICK_DBF 0056, // Quick application database
// Menu Path: AG - Value: String
QUICK_FMT 0243, // Quick application format file
// Menu Path: AG - Value: String
QUICK_FRM 0244, // Quick application report file
// Menu Path: AG - Value: String
QUICK_HDNG 0247, // Quick application menu heading
// Menu Path: AG - Value: String
QUICK_LBL 0245, // Quick application label file
// Menu Path: AG - Value: String
QUICK_NDX 0057, // Quick application index file
// Menu Path: AG - Value: String
QUICK_ORDR 0177, // Index order for dbf or view for Quick App.
// Menu Path: AG - Value: String
SET_BELL 0080, // Setting For Bell
// Menu Path: AME - Value:0=ON 1=OFF
SET_BELLDR 0078, // Setting for Bell Duration
// Menu Path: AME - Value: String
SET_BELLFR 0077, // Setting for Bell Frequency
// Menu Path: AME - Value: String
SET_CARRY 0081, // Setting for carry
// Menu Path: AME - Value:0=OFF 1=ON
SET_CENTRY 0082, // Setting for century
// Menu Path: AME - Value:0=OFF 1=ON
SET_CONFRM 0083, // Setting for confirm
// Menu Path: AME - Value:0=OFF 1=ON
SET_DELCHR 0087, // Setting for escape
// Menu Path: AME - Value: String
SET_DELIM 0086, // Setting for delimiter
// Menu Path: AME - Value:0=OFF 1=ON
SET_ESCAPE 0084, // Setting for escape
// Menu Path: AME - Value:0=ON 1=OFF
SET_SAFETY 0222, // Setting for safety
// Menu Path: AME - Value:0=ON 1=OFF
// Field attribute selectors (FOREACH Fld_element x .... NEXT)
ACT_SUMRY 0215, // Action summary description
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
APPND_FROM 0103, // File name to add records from
// Menu Path: ICPA - Value: String
APPND_TYPE 0104, // File type for add records from
// Menu Path: ICPA - Values:0=DBF 1=DB2 2=FW2 3=RPD
BATCH_NAME 0106, // Batch process name for invoke batch process
// Menu Path: BN,ICRE - Value: String
BIN_FILE 0106, // Name of the Binary program
// Menu Path: ICRL - Value: String
BIN_PARMS 0107, // Parameters for assembler program
// Menu Path: ICRL - Value: String
BROW_APPD 0113, // Switch for NOAPPEND option in browse
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
BROW_CLEAR 0099, // Switch for NOCLEAR option in browse
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
BROW_COMPR 0098, // Switch for COMPRESS option in browse
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
BROW_DELE 0096, // Switch for NODELETE option in browse
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
BROW_EDIT 0224, // Switch for NOEDIT option in browse
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
BROW_FMT 0100, // Browse - format file for edit
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: String
BROW_FOLLW 0115, // Switch for NOFOLLOW option in browse
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
BROW_FREZ 0112, // Field to FREEZE
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: String
BROW_INIT 0223, // Switch for NOINIT option in browse
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
BROW_LOCK 0110, // Fields to lock onscreen
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: String
BROW_MENU 0114, // Switch for NOMENU option in browse
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
BROW_WIDTH 0111, // Column width for browse
// Menu Path: ICB - Value: String
COPY_DELIM 0225, // Delimiter for delimited types
// Menu Path: ICPC - Value: String
COPY_RECRD 0103, // File name for copy action
// Menu Path: ICPC - Value: String
COPY_TYPE 0104, // File type for copy to
// Menu Path: ICPC - Values:0=DBF 1=DB2 2=FW2 3=RPD
DISP_DEST 0170, // Output destination for display
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: 0=Printer 1=Disk 2=Screen 3=Ask
DISP_OFF 0150, // Turn record number display off?
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
DISP_PAUSE 0148, // Pause when page is full?
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
DISP_SIGN 0054, // Display sign-on banner?
// Menu Path: AD - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
DOS_FILE 0106, // Program name for DOS call
// Menu Path: ICRR - Value: String
DOS_PARM 0107, // Parameters for DOS program call
// Menu Path: ICRR - Value: String
EDIT_APPD 0113, // Switch for NOAPPEND option in edit
// Menu Path: ICE - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
EDIT_CLEAR 0099, // Switch for NOCLEAR option in edit
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
EDIT_DELE 0096, // Switch for NODELETE option in edit
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
EDIT_EDIT 0224, // Switch for NOEDIT option in edit
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
EDIT_FMT 0100, // Format file name for EDIT
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: String
EDIT_FOLLW 0115, // Switch for NOFOLLOW option in edit
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
EDIT_INIT 0223, // Switch for NOINIT option in edit
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
EDIT_MENU 0114, // Switch for NOMENU option in edit
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
EDIT_MODE 0248, // Mode for form edit (append,edit)
// Menu Path: ICDD - Value: 0=Append 1=Edit
// Menu Path: ICPE - Value: String
EXPRT_TYPE 0172, // Type of file for export
// Menu Path: ICPE - Value: 0=PFS 1=DB2 2=FW2 3=RPD
FIELD_LIST 0250, // Fieldlist for display/list
// Menu Path: ICDD,ICE,ICB,ICPE,ICPC - Value: String
FILE_FROM 0103, // From file for file to file copy
// Menu Path: ICPF - Value: String
FILE_TO 0129, // To file for file copy operation
// Menu Path: ICPF - Value: String
FLD_LENGTH 0053, // Field length of current element
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
FLD_PICTUR 0101, // Display of current menu item
// Menu Path: None - Value: String
FLTER_COND 0254, // Filter expression for REPORT Form
// Menu Path: ICB,ICE,ICDL,ICDD,ICDR - Value: String
FOR_EXPR 0252, // FOR expression for record unmark
// ICE,IP - Value: String
FRM_DEST 0170, // Output destination for report
// Menu Path: ICDR - Value: 0=Printer 1=Disk 2=Screen 3=Ask
FRM_EJECT 0169, // Page skip for report
// Menu Path: ICDR - Value: 0=Skip to New Page 1=No eject
FRM_FILE 0103, // Report FORM name
// Menu Path: ICDR - Value: String
FRM_HEADNG 0167, // HEADING for report
// Menu Path: ICDR - Value: String
FRM_PLAIN 0171, // Heading format (PLAIN clause)
// Menu Path: ICDR - Value: 0=Plan 1=Include date and page
FRM_SUMMRY 0168, // Report format (SUMMARY clause)
// Menu Path: ICDR - Value: 0=Full detail 1=Summary only
GEN_TEMPLT 0089, // Current template for generation
// Menu Path: GS - Value: String
GOTO_RECO 0162, // GOTO command
// Menu Path: IP - Value: String
IMPRT_FILE 0103, // From file for import
// Menu Path: ICPI - Value: String
IMPRT_TYPE 0228, // Type of file for import
// Menu Path: ICPI - Value: 0=PFS 1=DB2 2=RPD 3=FW2 4=WK1
INLINE_DO 0240, // Inline do code
// Menu Path: ICRI - Value: String
ITEM_AFTER 0237, // Menu after code
// Menu Path: IEA - Value: String
ITEM_BEFOR 0236, // Item before code
// Menu Path: IEB - Value: String
ITEM_HELP 0235, // Item help
// Menu Path: IEW - Value: String
ITEM_NDX 0132, // Index file to use with view or database
// Menu Path: IO - Value: String
ITEM_ORDER 0178, // Index order for dbf or view at item level
// Menu Path: IO - Value: String
ITEM_OVRIDE 0108, // Method of using Item database information
// Menu Path: IO - Value: 0=Menu 1=Item 2=What currently in use
ITEM_PRMPT 0059, // Item level message prompt
// Menu Path: IA - Value: String
ITEM_VIEW 0131, // View or database file for this item
// Menu Path: IO - Value: String
ITEMSKIPIF 0047, // Skip if for item
// Menu Path: IB - Value: String
LBL_DEST 0170, // Output destination for report
// Menu Path: ICDL - Value: 0=Printer 1=Disk 2=Screen 3=Ask
LBL_FILE 0103, // Label form name
// Menu Path: ICDL - Value: String
LBL_SAMPLE 0144, // Print sample label first
// Menu Path: ICDL - Value: 0=YES 1=NO
LOCATE_FOR 0164, // For expression for LOCATE command
// Menu Path: IP - Value: String
LOCATE_SCP 0163, // Scope for LOCATE command
// Menu Path: IP - Value: String
LOCATE_WHL 0165, // While for LOCATE
// Menu Path: IP - Value: String
MACRO_NAME 0173, // Macro name for play back macro action
// Menu Path: ICRP - Value: String
MENU_ACT 0234, // Menu action type indicator
// Menu Path: None - Value: 0=Text (no Action) 1=Open menu
// 2=Browse 3=Use form 4=Report 5=Labels 6=Display/List
// 7=Add records 8=Copy record 9=Substitute fields values
// 10=Mark records 11=Ummark reco 12=Discard reco
// 13=Generate index 14=Reindex 15=Sort 16=Import file
// 17=Export file 18=File Copy 19=Do Prg 20=Insert code
// 21=Run DOS program 22=Load/Call binary file 23=Return
// to calling prg 24=Quit to DOS 25=Batch Process 26=Macro
NDX_DESCND 0216, // Index in descending order?
// Menu Path: ICPG - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
NDX_FILE 0136, // INDEX file for generat index
// Menu Path: ICPG - Value: String
NDX_KEY 0137, // KEY expression for generate index
// Menu Path: ICPG - Value: String
NDX_ORDER 0229, // Index file for set sequence
// Menu Path: IR - Value: String
NDX_TAG 0218, // TAG for generat index
// Menu Path: ICPG - Value: String
NDX_TAGIN 0219, // MDX file name for TAG (generate index)
// Menu Path: ICPG - Value: String
NDX_UNIQUE 0138, // UNIQUE index?
// Menu Path: ICPG - Value: String
OPEN_MENU 0159, // Menu name for open menu action
// Menu Path: ICO,AA - Value: String
OPEN_TYPE 0079, // Type of menu to open
// Menu Path: ICO - Value: 0=Bar 1=Popup 2=File 3=Struc
// 4=Values
POSTN_MENU 0160, // Display positioning menu when system is
// Menu Path: IP - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
PRG_FILE 0106, // DBASE program name
// Menu Path: ICRD - Value: String
PRG_PARMS 0107, // Parameters for dBASE call
// Menu Path: ICRD - Value: String
REPL_ADDTV1 0121, // Switch for ADDITIVE option in replace field 1
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
REPL_ADDTV2 0122, // Switch for ADDITIVE option in replace field 2
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
REPL_ADDTV3 0123, // Switch for ADDITIVE option in replace field 3
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
REPL_ADDTV4 0124, // Switch for ADDITIVE option in replace field 4
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
REPL_ADDTV5 0125, // Switch for ADDITIVE option in replace field 5
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: 0=NO 1=YES
REPL_FLD1 0213, // Field 1
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: String
REPL_FLD2 0200, // Field 2
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: String
REPL_FLD3 0202, // Field 3
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: String
REPL_FLD4 0204, // Field 4
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: String
REPL_FLD5 0206, // Field 5
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: String
REPL_WITH1 0214, // Value 1
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: String
REPL_WITH2 0201, // Value 2
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: String
REPL_WITH3 0203, // Value 3
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: String
REPL_WITH4 0205, // Value 4
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: String
REPL_WITH5 0207, // Value 5
// Menu Path: ICPS - Value: String
RUN_DRIVE 0074, // Runtime drive assignment
// Menu Path: AME - Value: String
RUN_PATH 0075, // Runtime search path
// Menu Path: AME - Value: String
SCOPE 0251, // Scope expression for unmark
// ICE,IP - Value: String
SEEK_COND 0161, // Seek command
// Menu Path: IP - Value: String
SORTFIELD1 0213, // Sort field 1
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: String
SORTFIELD2 0200, // Sort field 2
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: String
SORTFIELD3 0202, // Sort field 3
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: String
SORTFIELD4 0204, // Sort field 4
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: String
SORTFIELD5 0206, // Sort field 5
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: String
SORT_CASE1 0182, // Ignore or use case?
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: 0=Ignore case 1=Use case
SORT_CASE2 0185, // Ignore or use case?
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: 0=Ignore case 1=Use case
SORT_CASE3 0188, // Ignore or use case?
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: 0=Ignore case 1=Use case
SORT_CASE4 0191, // Ignore or use case?
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: 0=Ignore case 1=Use case
SORT_CASE5 0194, // Ignore or use case?
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: 0=Ignore case 1=Use case
SORT_FILE 0103, // Sort to file
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: String
SORT_ORD1 0195, // Ascending/Descending
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: 0=Ascending 1=Descending
SORT_ORD2 0184, // Ascending/Descending
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: 0=Ascending 1=Descending
SORT_ORD3 0187, // Ascending/Descending
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: 0=Ascending 1=Descending
SORT_ORD4 0190, // Ascending/Descending
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: 0=Ascending 1=Descending
SORT_ORD5 0193, // Ascending/Descending
// Menu Path: ICPP - Value: 0=Ascending 1=Descending
WHILE_EXP 0253, // While expression
// ICE,IP - Value: String
WNDOW_BORD 0133, // Border type for window
// Menu Path: ID - Value: 0=Single 1=Double 2=Panel
// 3=Custom 4=None
WNDOW_CHAR 0134, // Border character for custom window border
// Menu Path: ID - Value: String
WNDOW_CLRS 0174, // Colors for window
// Menu Path: ID - Value: String
WNDOW_NAME 0226, // Name of window edit, browse, etc. in actions
// Menu Path: ID - Value: String
WNDOW_X1 0135, // Upper left row coordinate for window
// Menu Path: ID - Value: String
WNDOW_X2 0146, // Lower right row coodinate for window
// Menu Path: ID - Value: String
WNDOW_Y1 0145, // Upper left column coordinate for window
// Menu Path: ID - Value: String
WNDOW_Y2 0147, // Lower right column coordinate for window
// Menu Path: ID - Value: String
// Values returned by Menu_act
enum textno=0, // 0) Text (no action)
open, // 1) Open a menu
brow, // 2) Browse
edit, // 3) Use form
rept, // 4) Report
labl, // 5) Labels
disp, // 6) Display/List
appd, // 7) Add records
rcopy, // 8) Copy records
repl, // 9) Substitute values
dele, // 10) Mark records for deletion
reca, // 11) Unmark records
pack, // 12) Discard marked records
indx, // 13) Generate index
rndx, // 14) Reindex
sort, // 15) Sort
impt, // 16) Import foreign files
expt, // 17) Export '' ''
fcopy, // 18) File copy
dodB, // 19) Do dBASE program
indB, // 20) Insert dBASE code
xdos, // 21) Run DOS program
call, // 22) Load/call binary file
retu, // 23) Return to calling program
quit, // 24) Quit to DOS
batch, // 25) Batch process
plmac // 26) Play back macro
// Enum string constants for international translation
enum app_class = "Por favor sitúese en la aplicación e inicie de nuevo la generación.",
no_main_menu = "Menú principal no encontrado en la definición de la aplicación.",
bad_display = "No se pudo cambiar el modo de presentación de acuerdo con la aplicación.",